to the movies with me, I myself felt the difference. It was just like I was on a date with a very pretty girl.

I had to keep on telling myself that I was out with my friend Bob, even though he looked almost as pretty as the most attractive girls in town.

From that time on, Bob's feminization continued at breakneck speed. Everyone now referer to him as Bobbi, 'miss', 'her' or 'she'. . .including myself. The first time Bob had looked mad at me as if to say "Et Tu Brute". But then he shrugged his shoulders and turned his back on me, and wriggled his fanny in the tight skirt he was wearing. His buttocks appeared bigger, more feminine in appearance and in some outfits, I think he was wearing a girdle.

One thing which Bob hated most of all was the fact that Mary insisted that he work as a stewardess. He was relaxing so well into his feminine role that Mary said it seemed only natural that he take Susan Hart's place serving on the airline, too.


Bob was outfitted with stewardess uniforms, regulation high heel pumps and special costumes. course, he hated with a passion, that weekend promotional outfit--the short revealing costume. At least that what he told me. It was extra daring for our small conservative town but it increased weekend travel. Surprisingly, Bob did look cute in it.

Bob's voice practice also was coming along just the way Mary wanted it. Bob became used to modulating his voice and one could hardly tell the difference when he and the other girls were singing in rehearsal.

Bob developed a small case of acne which most of us men suffer from time to time. Mary promptly took him to a woman doctor friend. Bob was given a shot and tablets to take one in the morning and one at night. Sure enough, the acne disappeared within two days and his facial skin became softer than ever. As a matter of fact, the pills seemed to have some side effects, because Bob told me that lately his chest had become sensitive and seemed to be getting fuller.

"It's probably from the bras your wearing but I heard that sometimes happens to men. . .it'll disap-

"Bob in his skirts helping a customer.

pear," I said, hoping that I was right.


"If you aren't right," he said, "that would really be the end...I'd kill myself."

Of course he didn't and his figure continued to slowly change. Because he was a full time girl, I guess nobody was aware of it except me. He no longer allowed me in his room when he was dressing, and he asked me to knock in the future. The time when I had barged in unannounced, I did see a beautiful lacy nightgown laid out on his bed. I knew then that he was forced to be a girl at night as well. Mary was relentless.